Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What are some reasons 'blacklisting' in Hollywood was necessary to protect American society?

I need to argue that the blacklisting in Hollywood during the 1950's was necessary for American society. Why it was good. Some ideas I have involve why McCarthyism was right and how this was bennificial. Think of what could have happened if we hadnt blacklisted people in Hollywood? A lot of the time McCarthy was right, many real communists were discovered at the expense of a few that werent but were accused. I know it really wasnt but I just need some points saying it was good. Ideas?|||Because communists were trying to take over. Check out the Venona papers released by Russia in the 1990s. It proved that they were trying to take over and had infiltrated our government and society.|||First off all, I do not think it was necessary to protect American Society. It was proven over and over that McCarthy was shrill, hysterical and non reality based. If we had not blacklisted writers and actors we would not have had to ruin people's lives, perpetuate lies and falsehoods. I am not sure why you need to prove him right. I would challenge the assignment as rewriting history and would actively protest the assignment as I would not lie. Lies and lack of freedom of speech and due process damaged society during that period.

This being able to protest and remain historically accurate is the difference between the children of the 1950's and late 1960's. I hope the present day student can learn the value of protest.|||.

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