Friday, September 16, 2011

Why do Conservatives go to the Movies and help support Hollywood Liberals?

If the Conservatives hate the Hollywood Liberals so much, why do they continue to pay their wages by going to the movies, buying and renting DVDs, etc? Don't they know that the more they go, the more those Hollywood Liberals get paid?|||I like it when actors and actresses do their job: TO ACT! Not be political spokespersons. As long as they are doing their job then we don't have any problems.|||Here we go again! Another Liberal Lemming that confuses dislike of a political ideology, with hate of a person, or people in general.

Look at it this way genius. I can't stand Barbra Streisand politically and am still waiting for her to keep her word about leaving the US. That said, I also think she is an excellent singer and a very talented actress.

Your problem, is that you are unable to separate people and politics. I hope you learn how to do it someday, otherwise you will end up a bitter, biased person, similar to "Caribou "Quit" Barbie". If you still don't understand, find one of his questions and follow it to his profile. He quite clearly states that he hates Conservatives, apparently simply for being Conservatives.|||There a quite a few conservatives in the entertainment world - including Desperate Housewives Teri Hatcher (both parents engineers - not Hollywood types), Robert Conrad, and (now deceased) Ramones guitarist Johnny Ramone (that's why he always wore the USMC T-shirt) and even PMC/Tipper Gore foe Frank Zappa!

Neil Young made some statements in support of Reagan in the early 80's, pissing off the left.

There are many examples.|||I am a conservative. I don't hate anyone. I have a clean record. I have not paid to see a movie of any kind for more than 30 years. I have never bought a movie, never rented one. The liberals who make movies do it to sell seats in theaters. They are not an educated, enlightened group. They all live and work in a fantasy world.|||I've learned that if one only watches indie and foreign films, they won't be supporting Hollywierd libbies and they'll see better films. I still pay to see the CG extravaganzas, but that's a different kind of entertainment - mindless eye candy.

People like Martin Sheen and his litter don't impress me when they sit in front of a television camera and speak unscripted.|||I dont go to the theater, but not because I am worried about supporting anyone. I dont go because it costs too much to just sit and watch a movie, God forbid you want refreshments.

I do occasionally rent dvd's- but believe it or not, the majority of actors I like just happen to be conservative. Not all, but most.

But regardless, I dont like politicians in general, yet we ALL pay for them to screw us over. Including that awesome health coverage they have that they will NOT give up for the crap they wanna force us into.|||I go because I like movies,I try not to worry about what vile individuals many of the Actors are as long as they put out a good product.I will grant you their Political Views are pretty bad,just look how badly their type of Political Ideas have destroyed the once great State of California.It's really sad to see how horribly Liberalism destroyed a State that had such promise.

RWE|||We all had our term/chance to whine and complaint about why do Liberals go to the Movies and help support Hollywood Conservatives? Birds of the feathers stick together, all I can say. We shouldn't waste our precious time dwelling on why people do what they do. That's how lies/rumor get started. Also how hatred/envy come into play. All over crazy Bullsh!t.|||They can be liberal all they want.

When these brainless stars begin to think they have some insight into politics simply because they can stand on a tape "x" and recite lines someone else wrote, it starts to turn me against them.

That's when I can't bring myself to go to their movies.

George Clooney and Angelina Jolie are good examples. Brad Pitt is on the bubble.|||I don't care what they politcal views are, they have a right to it. As long as they don't incorperate it into their movies, I'll watch it. Am I going to boycott someone for their political views? Sorry, but you know that is a douche bag move.|||I wait for movies to come out on DVD and rent them from Netflix. I don't worry about the politics of Hollywood anyway. I watch a movie because I'm interested in the story.|||Movies are entertaining to watch. The actors are doing their jobs while acting. They are not while giving their political opinions and trying to influence government.|||Same reason I listen to Beck on the radio, to keep aware of all the issues on tomorrows gossip. I dont have to agree with him to enjoy the debate.|||Because there is no way to change such an entrenched system

And destroying movies and television just to spite liberals also hurts those gaffers and grips who probably arent that liberal|||Don't worry the hollywood azzbags will claim most of their money comes from overseas sales in communist countries so they can feel better about themselves.|||If a movie is too openly leftist, such as Al Gore's hoax, or any of Michael Moore's deluded works of fiction made to look like fact, I won't pay to see it.|||..."we" need a good laugh and we like to "pee" on the carpeting in the Theaters.|||movies are free nowadays .technology is a wonderful thing|||going to the movies is about fun not politics.|||nah I just bootleg movies

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