Friday, September 9, 2011

How come Hollywood never thought to make a film about the Y2K scare?

I remember it was a big thing- people thought computers all over the world were going to crash and civilization as we know it was going to come to a major threat. How come there was no movie about it? Hollywood managed to make movies about just ever other thing that could plague humanity.

I know there was a made-for-TV movie, which doesn't count, but I'm asking about a theatrical film. The scare happened a little over a decade ago-if they made such a film now would anyone care?|||Because it turned out to be a huge panic over absolutely nothing. Making a thriller would be absurd, and a satire this late on would be significantly less incisive, if not entirely pointless.|||Probably the same reason they stopped making Airport '70, 73, 74, 77, etc.

Maybe they figured 10 years down the road, nobody would want to watch this dated piece of crap anymore, which hurts its rerun and home entertainment value.

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