Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why doesn't Hollywood stop remaking the classics, and start making original movies?

Reboots, Remakes. I'm getting sick and tired of modern Hollywood motion pictures. Where are all the writers?|||Cost and laziness.

It's cheaper and quicker. They're also guaranteed some sort of audience that liked the original.

Hollywood is only thinking of the quick financial turnover.|||I Guess Because If People Like The Classics They Are More Likely To Watch The Remake Then An Original. Personally Some Remakes Aren't Bad But Sometimes You Got To Put Your Foot Down! Like The Person Above Me Said I'll Be A Writer If I Have To! XD|||It's just a phase. Right now the writers are running outta ideas, so their just re-using and re-cycling old ideas. But don't worry, in a few years time the ideas will start rushing back.|||i know right? It's stupid. They're remaking the Karate Kid, which i know is going to suck. Maybe Hollywood has run out of script writers....i'll become one if i have

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