Sunday, August 21, 2011

How many conservatives have actually boycotted Hollywood films and TV shows?

I constantly see conservatives on Y!A complaining about liberalism in Hollywood, so I was wondering if any conservatives here had actually made it a point to boycott films and TV shows with actors, directors, and producers whose political views they deem objectionable.|||Me for one. I will not watch any movie or tv show with certain stars in them because I do not agree with their politics. I support their right to have and voice opinions as they choose, but I will not support their careers or help provide them with a public forum by buying their product.

Just a few names on the list.

Danny Glover

Tim Robbins

Susan Saradon

Alec Baldwin

George Clooney

Michael Moore

I look to movies and tv to be entertained. I really do not care what these people think politically.|||Absolutely. i boycott many films , and refuse to pay money to see more liberal filth come out of hollywood.|||I'm a conservative who WORKS on hollywood movies and TV shows. I see the bias every day of my life, and I don't like it, but work is work and I have many liberal friends. I just put up with it.

And for the record, I will not see, nor will I ever work with Susan Sarandon, her husband Tim, Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin or Julia Roberts. I will turn down fifteen thousand-dollar jobs just to keep from going on set with any of them.|||I've yet to meet a person who followed through with that threat.

If that was the case, they'd be doomed to a life filled with John Voit movies...

And needle point to fill the time in between.|||PROBABLY ONLY A FEW. THEY CAN ALWAYS ENJOY A GOOD LAUGH.|||Hey!!! We said they were libs. We didn't say they couldn't act. Beside boycotting and crap is for libs, not people who support the free market.|||I sort of have. I download all my movies for free so I don't financially support them|||I have.... even sold my DVD of Fast Times at Ridgemont High because Sean Penn is a commie SOB.

I WILL NOT see a movie with Tim Robbins, Rosie O'Piggy, or many rock groups.|||Well, I hate mainstream (Hollywood) movies anyway... not for political reasons, but because they suck. All they do is remake movies... Sometimes many times over... (how many times can they remake Friday the 13th for goodness sake!)

I generally only see movies in one of our independent movie houses...|||That's really a Democratic thing to do. Conservatives may complain and voice their opinion but going overboard or to the extreme by boycotting or standing around picketing someone...that's typically Democrats. I'm not saying it's isn't done just not as often. Although, I think it's about time people started taking a stand against prejudices on television. There are too many all black stations and or shows. That's racist and shouldn't be allowed. I think everyone should be treated equal.|||"How many conservatives have actually boycotted Hollywood films and TV shows?"

Not many. I mean, if we were to restrict ourselves to watching only tv shows and movies put out by conservatives, for conservatives, we'd pretty much be watching only John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart movies.

I myself am a film buff. I LOVE movies. And I just cannot bring myself to boycott films made by liberal filmmakers.

Sean Penn may be a political moron, but he is one hell of a great actor. Woody Allen may be a liberal, but he makes excellent films.|||I have met many of these people. Each and every one of them are movie goers.... Ironically , one of them even likes Sean Penn as an actor and has seen all of his movies.

One thing Cons do better than anyone I have met. That is "talk the talk"...... one thing they are not good at: "walk the walk".....|||There are some movies and show that I refuse to watch due to the actors that star in them. Such as Jack Black, Will Farell, Sean Penn, etc....|||I won't see any movie with starring any actor that follows the cult of scientology. I ain't puttin' any cash in their coffers.|||I pick and choose carefully and keep in mind those who advertise when I do see them.|||Me.

I haven't been to the movies in over 6 months.

Just canceled my 75/month HBO/Cinimax etc package so I won't supply any more "residuals" to this crowd.

Since they are so Socialistic, I thought it might be good to adopt a steal everything digital approach which is where I am at now. I can't afford to pay so, is not it "fair", that I still get to watch the new movies and listen to my favorite music. I like this program, it is a lot less expensive than paying.|||I will not boycott a movie based upon an actor in it.

I have not seen a Michael Moore film, however. More my choice than a statement.

Some of may favorite actresses maybe liberals: Jenna Jameson, Sunset Thomas, etc. LOL Only kidding!|||I don't watch television. It doesn't interest me.

The last movie that I boycotted was "An Inconvenient Truth". I have no desire to see it.

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