Friday, September 16, 2011

How come many of the ultra rich hollywood types would rather donate money to other countries poor?

If they all kept the money here in the states wouldn't we all be doing a lot better? If our poor had more money and better healthcare due to the private donations of the hollywood types wouldn't our whole economy turn around over night?

And we can't Jolie and Pitt adopt American orphans?|||Because as liberals they feel it is the responsibility of the government here to take care of people not theirs directly..|||Donation ANYWHERE is a good thing.

I'm all for adopting children from other coutries. It sounds bad, but children born in America are automatically guaranteed, by law, to have so many more opportunities than children in other parts of the world. American children/orphans will be taken care of, will get an education, will not starve, will have healthcare. Children in tons of other countries don't have that.|||Who cares they are people like anyone else and I value your opinion more than theirs.

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